Booking now open for April - September 2024!

Lifestyle Family Session at Discovery Park

If you’re following along on Instagram or Facebook (if you’re not… you totally should be) you’ll know that I am in the middle of what I’m calling #tourdebebe2016 visiting my two sisters who just had babies (one week apart!) with a pit stop to shoot a wedding in between! It’s been a crazy few weeks but I am loving getting to see my new nephews & hang out with the “bigs” – my nieces & nephew ages 2.5, 3, & 5 years old! I’m currently in Nashville with new baby George, and his wild older siblings Lee & Julia. Today, Auntie M conquered bath time & a visit to the bounce house, and tomorrow I plan on tackling a morning at home alone with the big kids & getting dinner on the table. Car seat apparatuses have already proven to be a challenge for this toddler newb but I think I’m getting the hang of it. Wish me luck!

Before my onslaught of winter travel set it in, I had a slew of amazing family sessions – this one, with the Martin family, may have been one of my absolute favorites. We met up at Discovery Park & simply played. I loved capturing their joy being together as a family & these priceless moments. Thank you for allowing me to photograph you exactly as you are! Enjoy!

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I believe in all things bright, happy & colorful! Specializing in capturing the JOY of life's greatest adventures!

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