I had so much fun spending the afternoon with this family for their lifestyle session! Lifestyle family sessions last 2-3 hours and can include 2-3 locations! Longer sessions are the perfect way to capture your family doing some of your favorite things. I love this idea for adding something like baking cookies in the kitchen, or playing in the sprinkler in the backyard, in addition to a more classic portrait session!
This family chose to start at their home where we cuddled up by the fire (and were able to include their pup!). Next we headed to their favorite local park where we had room to run and some gorgeous afternoon sunlight. Finally, we loaded up in our cars and headed to Pike Place Market to get some quintessential Seattle shots!
What would you want to do if we did a lifestyle session together?! Book yours today by emailing me at meredith@meredithmckee.com – I can’t wait to capture you and your family!