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What is the Perfect Age for Newborn Photos?

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an extraordinary experience for any family. Those early days of snuggles, yawns, and tiny fingers grasping yours are fleeting and as parents, we strive to capture these precious moments through photographs that will serve as timeless keepsakes. For families opting for a newborn photoshoot, selecting the perfect age is an important factor in capturing images that will be treasured for generations to come.

The Perfect Age for Newborn Photos

Although there is no one-size-fits-all answer, most lifestyle newborn photographers, myself included, recommend scheduling the session within the first two to four weeks of the baby’s life. Here’s why this timeframe is favored:

Sleepy and Curled-Up Poses:

During the first few weeks, newborns tend to sleep for extended periods and are more likely to curl up in adorable, womb-like positions. Whether we place your bundle on an heirloom quilt or one of their parent’s chests, these sweet, sleepy poses make for heartwarming photographs that showcase the delicate nature of a newborn.

Every baby’s skin is different! But in my experience, baby acne starts developing more around the 3wk mark. I don’t do extensive photoshopping, but if there is an obvious pimple here and there, that’s easy to spot out.

Minimal Disturbance:

Newborns are still adjusting to the outside world, making them less aware of their surroundings during the initial weeks. This natural adaptation period provides an ideal opportunity for an indoor photoshoot, as the baby is more likely to remain calm and relaxed, which enables me to capture authentic connections between you and your newborn. This is also super helpful when adding in siblings (and/or pets!) which can be a bit more unpredictable!

An at-home session is ideal for capturing candid moments in the comfort of your own home. When you are relaxed, your baby is relaxed. You have all your creature comforts at your fingertips and you don’t have to worry about shlepping items across town to a studio.

Time Flies:

The first few weeks of a baby’s life pass by in the blink of an eye. By scheduling the photoshoot early on, we can capture the fleeting moments of your newborn’s early days before they grow and change rapidly. It is SHOCKING to look at photos of Fitz from 1mo to 2mo – they practically double in size! It’s truly mind-blowing!

Also, it is a good idea to consider how much time you have off from work. Newborn sessions are scheduled on weekday mornings, so it is sometimes easiest to do your session before one of you goes back to the office, or is fully ramped back to full time.

Emotional Connection:

During the first few weeks, the emotional connection between parents and their newborn is exceptionally profound. I can artistically capture the joy, love, and tenderness shared between the family members, creating stunning and heart-touching photographs. Older siblings are also still often curious and sweet with the new baby of the house!

Choosing the perfect age for a newborn photoshoot is a personal decision for every family. This of course also depends on everyone’s unique birth experiences, whether baby needs to spend time in the NICU, mama needed extra recovery time, etc. I want to ensure you that whenever you schedule your session it will be the perfect fit for you and your family.

However, considering the inherent benefits of scheduling the session within the first two to four weeks of the baby’s life can lead to emotionally rich and authentically captured images. And I will also say, you’ll rarely feel truly “ready” for your session – but I promise you, we will capture truly beautiful moments that you will treasure forever!!!

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I believe in all things bright, happy & colorful! Specializing in capturing the JOY of life's greatest adventures!

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